Liber Galbaria. The Divinus II Wiki


The Ogre Sorcerers[]

Though magic is far from a common sight among the ogres, they nonetheless have as much potential as any other one of Galbar's many sapient species. Ommok stands above all other ogres in magical might even more so than he does in physical stature, having journeyed across Galbar to retrieve his Stone (the last shard of Astarte's rock) and in doing so unlock his potential for Astartian magic. He was also the first ogre to be taught the ways of shamanism, having learned from a firelord named Flayr as part of a short-lived bargain and alliance with great djinni known as Baron Slag.

Over the years Ommok has taken in a select few ogres that showed magical potential and has taught them the ways of both shamanism and Astartian magic. Though the sorcerers cannot use magic to subjugate other sapient beings as Ommok can do with his Stone, they are still among the most powerful and trained magic-users on Galbar. Their already formidable strength is made even greater by their ability to temporarily enhance their bodies to superhuman levels using Astartian magic, and their powers of shamanism greatly exceed those of Vetruvian and Rukban shamans in several ways.

Just as the Vetruvian and Rukban branches of shamanism emphasize worship, communication, and forging peaceful pacts especially with djinn of water and air, its foil in the ogre branch of shamanism is much more violent and prefers working with djinn of flame and earth. Ogres are very proficient at dominating djinn and binding them to their will; they are seemingly able to do this on their own but prefer working in groups of two or three. Some of them (notably Grekogork) have been shown capable of commanding as many as four bound djinn at once while still participating in combat themselves.

There are only around a dozen ogre sorcerers that trained under Ommok. They are among his closest advisors and hold high positions in Omokog. Of those that have been named, there are:

  • Grekogork
  • Dargok
  • Auzrog
  • Orok